Course Facilitators: George Nacouzi, Taejin Hwang

Time and Location: Wednesday 6:30-8:30, Location Undecided

Contact Info: You can email us at or directly contact Taejin or George.

Course Description: This course is designed for anyone with an interest and love for strategy games. It is made for people with the ambition to build their game skills regardless of prior experience. Students who are new to the game have the opportunity to learn the basics and rules of the game. Students with prior experience have the opportunity to refine their skills. The course covers a variety of games such those of card, board, and social deduction.

Course Expectations: In the first 10 minutes of class, we will have a quiz testing whether or not you have done the assigned readings. The next 15-20 minutes will be a brief review of game rules and strategies. The remaining time up until the last 15 will be spent playing the actual games. The last 15 minutes will be spent analyzing individual play from the games.

Course Readings: All of the course readings will be on the website. We understand that some of you may already know the rules to the games in advance. However, we still expect you to read the rules as the quizzes will come directly from these rules. You are welcome to give suggestions of rule variations in class, but for the quizzes we refer to these rules to hold a common standard.

Attendance & Participation: 55%

  • Please contact prior to class if you will be absent so we can plan ahead.
  • Each class counts for 5.5% of your grade so absences will result in a 5.5% penalties.
  • More than 4 absences will result in failure of the course.

Quizzes: 20%

  • Please come to class with a basic understanding of the rules/strategy of the particular game assigned for the week.
  • Weekly quizzes will be assigned to ensure readings were complete
  • As stated above, quizzes will be based on the Course Readings.
  • Course Readings are mandatory, further readings such as strategy are heavily suggested

Essay: 15%

  • Students are expected to write up a final essay analyzing a game of their choice and a specific strategy.
  • Another essay can be written at any point in the course to make up the points for an absence and quiz.

Final Project: 10%

  • The scope for the final project is undecided at the moment.
  • In previous semesters, students gave suggestions on games for future iterations of the course.

“Know the rules well, so you can break them effectively.” - The Dalai Lama